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Adapter Categories

Adapters are classified into 36 different categories based on their use and functionality. Click on a category to see the available adapters.

Access Control (10) NEC (20)
ACD (4) Notification (21)
Amazon (8) Object Detection (2)
Azure (2) Payment (3)
Bot (14) PMS (3)
CRM (1) Productivity (2)
Data (17) Script (1)
Database (2) Sensor (7)
Dispenser (4) Smart Check-In (17)
Door (5) SMS (2)
Email (4) Speech (1)
Environment (3) Translate (1)
Facial Recognition (9) Unified Communications (21)
Fiber (1) Utility (17)
Google (2) Vibration (1)
Instant Messaging (10) Video (7)
Language (4) Webhook (2)
Medical (1) Workflow Help (6)