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Version 1

These release notes list the various enhancements and fixes for version 1 of NEC UNIVERGE Integration Platform.


Release Date: 2020-05-13


Component Summary Tracking #
Miscellaneous Security Update NAP-14029


Release Date: 2020-03-31


Component Summary Tracking #
Miscellaneous Security Update NAP-13312


Release Date: 2020-03-25


Component Summary Tracking #
Adapters Adapters running on an Adapter Hub are now able to monitor network ports and read-only file-system mounts. This enables them to establish persistent connections with external systems and retrieve other information such as configuration data. NAP-11947
Documentation The release history and documentation for UIP Adapter Types was moved to its own Adapter Type Documentation area. NAP-12212
Login Accounts A utility was added to allow a technician with root access to the UIP host machine to reset the password of UIP login accounts which are not linked to a domain account. NAP-12634
Logging Logging events for software running on an Adapter Hub are sent to the main UIP machine. NAP-12344
Miscellaneous Adapter help links were added to the Adapters, Adapter Types, and Adapter Type Store pages. NAP-12229
Workflows Adapter help links were added to workflow designer. NAP-12228


Component Summary Tracking #
Logging The Logging Events page would become unresponsive if the Get Latest Logs option was enabled during high system loads. NAP-6197
Logging The Notification Service did not use the logging level that was configured on the Service page. NAP-12201
Login Accounts It was possible to disable Sign In With Domain Account setting while there were logins linked to domain accounts. NAP-12210
Login Accounts Old password data was reactivated when the Login with Domain Account setting was disabled for a Login Account. NAP-1759
Workflows The wfsystem.starttime value ignored the local time zone and always used UTC. NAP-7740


Release Date: 2019-01-20


Component Summary Tracking #
Adapters New Adapter Types were added to the Adapter Store.
- Amazon Lex
- Promag Wiegand
- Salto Hospitality
Adapters Notifications have been added to show when Adapter Type updates are available. NAP-9798
Adapters An Update All function was added to the Adapter Types page. NAP-11462
Triggers Inline warnings will display on the Triggers page if you input a workflow, adapter, or event which does not exist. NAP-6882
Workflows UIP adapters are easier to run on a remote machine by using an Adapter Hub. NAP-10350
Workflows Step picker in workflow designer was enhanced to display tooltip text. NAP-9321
Workflows Workflow designer displays an array.count property when auto-completing Command step results NAP-4166


Component Summary Tracking #
Miscellaneous Changes to the host's NO_PROXY setting were only applied during installation and updates. NAP-7695
Notifications After a new installation of UIP sometimes the system displayed a notification that an update was available to the version that was already running. NAP-10648


Release Date: 2019-11-18


Component Summary Tracking #
Adapters New Adapter Types were added.
- ShareLock
- FLIR Video Management System
- OBI4wan
- NEC DT Terminal
- MQTT Client
Adapters Adapter Types are now added and updated in UIP from an Adapter Type Store. This allows NEC to publish adapters more frequently. NAP-8383
Adapters The UCE Adapter Type was updated to support XMPP messaging. NAP-3843
Adapters Remote Adapters which use an Adapter Proxy now connect to UIP using Web Sockets. This enhancement allows a more flexible connection to UIP, removing the difficulty in navigating firewalls and other networking issues using the prior TCP direct connection. NAP-10455
Miscellaneous Filter values are preserved during login session on Workflow History and Logging Events pages. NAP-7128
Triggers Autocomplete functionality was improved for Triggers. NAP-9759
Workflows Step picker layout and autocomplete functionality was improved for workflow designer. NAP-5567
Workflows New functions were added to help with date and string manipulations. NAP-5298
Updates UIP checks for software updates and displays a notification to administrators when a new version becomes available. NAP-1848


Component Summary Tracking #
Adapters Some 3C adapter sessions lost the ability to send messages after extended periods of idle time. NAP-7820
Adapters Chats would stop routing through the BCT Adapter if the BCT server was inactive for an extended period of time. This fix requires the latest update for BCT 10 or 11. NAP-10206
Adapters If an incorrectly formatted email address was used with the Oracle Opera PMS adapter no email format was inserted into the Oracle Opera PMS user profile. NAP-9675
Workflows The autocomplete feature in workflow designer for Success Output Properties did not function if a system had more than one adapter of the same type. NAP-10588


Release Date: 2019-09-24


Component Summary Tracking #
Workflows The "failed" property of the waitwebhook JSON result was replaced with a "status" property in release version 1.3.13, causing backward compatibility issues. The "failed" and "status" properties are both available in release 1.4.11. NAP-10396


Release Date: 2019-09-16


Component Summary Tracking #
Adapters New Adapter Types were added.
- Health Level Seven (HL7)
- Amazon PinpointSMS
- CallCenterWorX ACD
- Smart Positive IDentification (SPID)
Adapters More capabilities were added to the following adapters.
- Business ConneCT
Adapters External adapter json builder added to Adapters editor to assist with configuring external adapter proxy service. NAP-8989
Management UI End user System Notifications were added for licensing changes and issues with workflows. NAP-832
Services More services have a configurable Logging Level. NAP-8124


Release Date: 2019-06-14


Component Summary Tracking #
Adapters New Adapter Types were added.
- Modbus TCP
- BluIP BeHive
- SaySimple
- Exchange
- Internal Queue (Supports Japanese Market only)
- Voice Operator (Supports Japanese Market only)
Adapters The AMS adapter can now fire triggers based on hook state messages. NAP-6465
Adapters The HttpRequest adapter can now post unencoded binary data content. NAP-6984
Adapters More capabilities were added to the Oracle Opera PMS adapter including cloud authentication, adding reservation payment types, and retrieving/updating guest profile information. NAP-8081
Adapters The EmailSender adapter added codenum (error code) to adapter command response. NAP-7902
Adapters The LdapSearch adapter added codenum (error code) to adapter command response. Also, conversion of caller ID is now possible. NAP-7903
Backup and Restore Administrators are now able to choose which sections of a backup file to restore. NAP-7594
Login Accounts Roles can now be assigned to Login Accounts to restrict their access to administrative and management functions. NAP-526
Login Accounts A change password function was added to the Account menu in the banner for login accounts which use local database credentials. NAP-7053
Workflows Condition Expression functions were added for generating a random Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) or a random string of digits. NAP-6884
Workflows The Workflow History feature is now more powerful with clickable workflows, steps, and trigger names. NAP-6671
Workflows Workflow designer was modified to allow variables and expressions to be used to specify adapter names within command steps. NAP-6664


Component Summary Tracking #
Adapters The Status of an LDAP Search adapter displayed 'Started' when the LDAP TLS connection failed. NAP-6477
Adapters When an adapter was restarted the Adapters page did not always indicate when it was "Starting". NAP-7225
Adapters The HttpRequest adapter could not receive data if the response header had quotes around the charset value (e.g., Content-Type: application/json; charset="utf-8") NAP-8232
Client Access An HTTPS certificate could not be used for client access if it contained elements after its SAN. NAP-7836
Update The text "No Key" displayed on some UI pages immediately following an update. NAP-7590
Workflows Keyboard shortcuts for Undo (CTRL+Z) and Redo (CTRL+Y) did not always work as expected within Workflow designer. NAP-7497


Release Date: 2019-03-29


Component Summary Tracking #
Adapters The HttpRequest adapter was enhanced with new capabilities.
- Support for new response types such as images, text/html, and text/plain
- Includes all HTTP header fields in the response
- Dynamic basic authentication support
- Commands for PUT, DELETE, and PATCH
Adapters Several new Adapter Types were added.
- Condition Evaluation
- LDAP Search
- Amazon Comprehend
- Google Natural Language
Services A Logging Level setting was added to the Services page to choose the level of detail logged by a limited number of services. NAP-3758
Workflows A new Workflow History feature was added to aid with troubleshooting an executed workflow. NAP-5318
Workflows Links were added to the Triggers and Workflows pages to View History. NAP-7051
Workflows String interpolation support was added for the property names of Triggers and Workflows. NAP-6601
Workflows Support was added for Copy, Cut, and Paste items within Workflow designer. NAP-521
Workflows Adapters were made selectable by name for all of the commands in Workflow designer. NAP-6657
Workflows The Workflow designer was updated to show inline warnings when step details contain non-existent values. NAP-6673
Workflows Workflow designer was modified to open sub-workflows in a new browser tab with a double-click. NAP-3530
Workflows A setting was added to the Add Property dialog of the Workflow designer to quickly add another property. NAP-5389


Component Summary Tracking #
Adapters Issues with the commands and parameters of the NeoFace Watch adapter type were corrected. NAP-7219
Adapters The HttpRequest adapter was incorrectly case-sensitive on the OAUTH token response for the bearer. NAP-6661
Adapters If the Detect Faces command of an Azure Face adapter did not detect a face in an image it returned a "success" status instead of reporting that no faces were detected. NAP-7347
Backup and Restore Scheduled Backups were not created if the NEC Backup and Restore service started faster than the Mongo Database service. NAP-6198
Workflows If a pair of Steps had both a Next Link and an Error Link to each other, the Auto Layout tool in Workflow designer caused them to overlap the first time it was used. NAP-5086
Workflows Dynamic array-like parameters were shown as Unsupported within the Workflow designer. NAP-6527
Workflows Text layout issues were corrected on the Test Workflow dialog. NAP-6760

Removed Features

Component Summary Tracking #
Adapters The Azure Emotion adapter type was removed. Microsoft integrated emotion recognition into their Azure Face API and discontinued support for the Azure Emotion API. NAP-7370


Release Date: 2019-01-17


Component Summary Tracking #
Adapters Several new Adapter Types were added.
- Opera (Oracle) PMS
- DECT Messaging
- 3C Adapter
Adapters The UCE Adapter Type was enhanced with a command to send a Panic message. NAP-4309
Backup and Restore A new Backup and Restore was added for backup up and recovering essential application data. NAP-91
Logging The Logging Events page was updated to filter events based on their severity Level and search for specific event text. NAP-3960
Triggers An auto-complete list was added for trigger properties on the Edit Trigger and Test Trigger pages. NAP-3941
Triggers Webhook triggers can wait for a workflow to complete before returning a result. NAP-4593
Triggers Webhook trigger URLs can be copied to clipboard using a button. NAP-4185
Workflows Workflow designer was enhanced with new colors, shapes, and support for arrays. NAP-4514
Workflows Multiple steps can be selected and manipulated as a group within Workflows designer. NAP-4841
Workflows Individual workflows can be imported and exported. NAP-555


Component Summary Tracking #
Management UI The Adapters and Workflows pages were updated to reconnect after a failed connection to internal services. NAP-3985


Release Date: 2018-11-30


Component Summary Tracking #
Documentation The Open Source and Third Party Software page was updated to improve readability. NAP-4314
Documentation The End User License Agreement (EULA) was modified NAP-4771


Component Summary Tracking #
Documentation Links to Open Source and Third Party Software information from EULA were fixed. NAP-4379


Release Date: 2018-10-30

This is the first release of NEC UNIVERGE Integration Platform.