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Adapter - SFA Match Event

This page describes version 2.0.7 of the adapter.


This adapter is used to receive and process a match message received from the Kaoato application.

The Kaoato Authentication module (GCA) is processing a video stream received from a camera and issues a match or no match message to a specific IP address:port. The message recevied on that address:port is processed by this SFAMatchEvent adapter and a Match event is thrown.

Depending on the Kaoato application configuration the GCA module is issuing an Ok or NotOK message (warning).

This message is displayed on the GCA window which is showing the video stream and also it may be sent via TCP protocol to a specific (IP address : port) pair.

Kaoato GCA configuration setup

The GCA Kaoato module should be configured to send data via TCP. To enable the TCP data transmission, the GCA application should be configured by setting the Operating Mode Settings/Operating Mode (output) to 10.

Also the format of the authentication OK mode should be set in the Authentication result mode settings/OKlog section of the GCA configuration file. The format SFA Match Event adapter needs should be as below:



Name Display Is Required Comments Type Default Value Maximum Value Minimum Value Maximum Length Minimum Length
listenPort Port True The port this adapter should use to listen to. (1-65535) integer 3030 65535 1


Match (match)

A subject has been matched.

Event Properties

Name Display Description Type
logDateTime Log Date Time The date when authentication is performed string
cameraName Camera Name The name of the camera that performed the authentication. string
suspectID SuspectID The recognized registrantID string
alertType Alert Type The alert type. string
verifyScore Verify Score The verification score. string
uniqueID UniqueID The UniqueID of the match. string
name1 Name1 Name1. string
name2 Name2 Name2. string
birthday Birthday Birthday. string

Release History

Version Type Description Tracking # Date
2.0.1 Initial First release in the Adapter Type store.
2.0.4 Maintenance Updated third-party components and improved maintainability. NAP-11518
2.0.5 Bug fix
Remove any logging that may send PII information
Crowdin update and use jenkins shared lib for docker image push and adapter store upload
2.0.6 Maintenance Updated third-party components and improved maintainability. NAP-23945 2022-12-22
2.0.7 Maintenance Updated third-party components and improved maintainability. NAP-27635 2025-02-18
