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Adapter - Infor HMS

This page describes version 2.0.26 of the adapter.


This adapter is used to connect to an Infor Hospitality Management System.

The adapter can be used to look up a guest reservation, check-in or check-out a guest and retrieve certain property and guest related information.


Name Display Is Required Comments Type Default Value Maximum Value Minimum Value Maximum Length Minimum Length
inforUri Infor URI True The URI to the Infor Api string https:// 1024 1
userName User Name True User name to login to the Infor Api in secured mode string 1024 1
password Password True Password to login to the Infor Api in secured mode password 1024 1
hotelCode Hotel Code True The hotel code used for api interrogations string 20 1
defaultEmailType Default Email Type False The default email type that the adapter will use for creating a new Email via InsertEmail command. If left empty PRIM type will be used. string PRIM 20 1
defaultPhoneType Default Phone Type False The default phone type that the adapter will use for creating a new Phone via InsertPhone command. If left empty MOBILE type will be used. string MOBILE 20 1
defaultAddressType Default Address Type False The default address type that the adapter will use for creating a new Address via InsertUpdateAddress command. If left empty HOME type will be used. string HOME 20 1


Add Payment (addPayment)

Add Payment Card

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
reservationNumber Reservation Number Hotel reservation confirmation number True string
cardReaderDevice Card Reader Device The card reader device used to extract the card information for the authorization. True string
subfolio Subfolio Subfolio that applies to authorization being requested. Default is ALL. False string
requestedAmount Requested Amount Amount to be authorized on the credit card. When we provide 0, or a negative amount, or no amount at all, we inquiry Infor HMS for the correct amount to use. False string
workstation Work Station The work station to be associated with the payment. If not specified, 'KIOSK' is assumed. False string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
paymentType Payment type string
cardType Credit card type string
cardId Credit card Id string
cardNumber Credit card number string
expirationDate Credit card expiration date string
approvalCode Approval code string
approvalAmount Approval amount string
isSuccess Flag indicating whether the command was successful or not boolean
errorMessage When the command failed, this field indicates the failure reason string

Check In (checkIn)

Check in a Guest associated with a hotel reservation/booking

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
reservationNumber Reservation Number Hotel reservation confirmation number True string
languageCode Language Code The language code used for the response message False string
CCType Credit card type The type of the credit card to register, as defined in the system. False string
CCNumber Credit card number The number of the credit card. Must be 12...19 digits long and must not include dashes. False string
CCHolderName Card holder name The card holder name, like it appears on the credit card. False string
CCExpirationDate Credit card expiration date The credit card expiration date, in format YYYY-MM-DD False string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
isSuccess Flag indicating whether the command was successful or not boolean
roomNumber The number of the room where the guest has been checked in. string
errorMessage When the command failed, this field indicates the failure reason string

Check Out (checkOut)

Check out a Guest.

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
roomNumber Room Number The number of the room from where the guest checks out False string
reservationNumber Reservation Number Hotel reservation confirmation number to be checked out False string
languageCode Language Code The language code used for the response message False string
CCType Credit card type The type of the credit card to register, as defined in the system. False string
CCNumber Credit card number The number of the credit card. Must be 12...19 digits long and must not include dashes. False string
CCHolderName Card holder name The card holder name, like it appears on the credit card. False string
CCExpirationDate Credit card expiration date The credit card expiration date, in format YYYY-MM-DD False string
CheckOutFolio Check Out Folio When this is passed as 'true', the guest will be checked out without settling the folio. Otherwise it tries settling the balance to 0, and if this is not succesful, the check out will fail. False string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
isSuccess Flag indicating whether the command was successful or not boolean
errorMessage When the command failed, this field indicates the failure reason string

Combine Share (combineShare)

Not supported! Reserved for future usage.

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
masterSharerResvID Master share reservation ID. The reservation ID on the master share reservation. True string
joinerSharerResvID Joiner reservation ID The ID of the joiner reservation. True string
languageCode Language Code The language code used for the response message False string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
combineSharerResponse[0].reservationNumber Hotel reservation confirmation number string
combineSharerResponse[0].guestFullName The full name of the guest associated with the hotel reservation string
combineSharerResponse[0].nameID The profile name ID. string

Create Booking (createBooking)

Not supported! Reserved for future usage.

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
firstName First Name First Name of the guest associated with the booking. False string
lastName Last Name Last Name of the guest associated with the booking. True string
adultsNumber Adults Number Adults Number for the booking. Must be a positive integer value. If a bad value is entered, 0 is assumed as default. True string
childrenNumber Children Number Children Number for the booking. Must be a positive integer value. If a bad value is entered, 0 is assumed as default. True string
roomTypeCode Room Type Code The hotel internal code for the room type the booking is intended to be performed to. Must be set to a correct value from the PMS perspective. True string
ratePlanCode Rate Plan Code The hotel internal code for the room rate the booking is intended to be performed to. Must be set to a correct value from the PMS perspective. If left empty, the value specified in the adapter's setup page (field named Default Rate Plan Code for New Reservations) will be used. If that field is left empty too, the default value used will be the one specified in the adapterType-operapms.json file in the defaultValue field of the adapter's defaultRatePlanCode property. False string
guaranteeType Guarantee Type The hotel code for the specific guarantee type used for the current booking. If not specified, it will use the value specified as Default Guarantee Type in adapter properties. False string
startDate Start Date The start date (check-in date) of the booking to be created. Must be specified in yyyy-MM-dd format. True string
endDate End Date The end date (check-out date) of the booking to be created. Must be specified in yyyy-MM-dd format. True string
languageCode Language Code The language code used for the response message False string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
reservationNumber Hotel reservation confirmation number string
guestFullName The full name of the guest associated with the hotel reservation string
nameID The profile name ID. string

Create Additional Guest (createAdditionalGuest)

Creates a new additional guest for a specified reservation

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
reservationNumber Reservation Number Hotel reservation confirmation number that the additional guest is to be registered under. True string
lastName Last Name Last Name of the additional guest. True string
firstName First Name First Name of the additional guest. True string
arrivalDate Arrival Date The arrival date for the additional guest. Must be specified in yyyy-MM-dd format. True string
departureDate Departure Date The departure date for the additional guest. Must be specified in yyyy-MM-dd format. True string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
guestDetailID Unique PMS identifier of the additional guest. string

Fetch Document List (fetchDocumentList)

Retrieves the list of documents used for the primary guest of reservation, given the reservation number.

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
reservationNumber Reservation Number Hotel reservation confirmation number True string
languageCode Language Code The language code used for the response message False string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
documents.count The number of documents associated with the primary guest string
documents[0].number The document number string
documents[0].type Type of the document as defined in system string
documents[0].displaySequence Display Sequence string
documents[0].primary Flag indicating whether this is the primary document for the primary guest string
documents[0].issueDate The date when the document was issued. string
documents[0].expirationDate The date when the document will expire. string
documents[0].placeOfIssue The city/consular's office that issued the document. string
documents[0].countryOfIssue The country code of issuance. string

Fetch Email List (fetchEmailList)

Retrieves the list of e-mail address records for the primary guest of a reservation, given the reservation number.

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
reservationNumber Reservation Number Hotel reservation confirmation number True string
languageCode Language Code The language code used for the response message False string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
emails.count The number of email addresses associated with the primary guest string
emails[0].address The email address, in format string
emails[0].format Email format to be used when sending emails to this address (HTML or TEXT). string
emails[0].type Type of the email address as defined in the system. string
emails[0].displaySequence Display Sequence string
emails[0].primary Flag indicating whether this is the primary email address for the primary guest string

Fetch Housekeeping Room Status (fetchHousekeepingRoomStatus)

Retrieves property rooms and their Housekeeping status, such as AVAILABLE, DIRTY, OCCUPIED

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
roomNumber Room Number The room number we want the command to be executed for. If left empty, it is ignored. If an incorrect value is used, an RoomNotAvailable message will be returned. False string
roomTypeCode Room Type Code The room type code we want the command to be executed for. It is ignored when Room Number is specified. If left empty all room types are used. If an incorrect value is used a RoomNotAvailable message will be returned. False string
hkRoomStatus HouseKeeping Room Status Cleaning status of the returned rooms. Must be one of these values: AVAILABLE, CLEAN, DIRTY. If left empty all statuses will be considered. If an incorrect value is used, an error is raised. False string
languageCode Language Code The language code used for the response message False string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
hkRoomsStatus[0].HouseKeepingStatus HouseKeeping Status of the room string
hkRoomsStatus[0].RoomNumber Room number string
hkRoomsStatus[0].RoomType Room type string

Fetch Name (fetchName)

Retrieves primary guest name information from a reservation (including birthday and gender information), given the reservation number.

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
reservationNumber Reservation Number Hotel reservation confirmation number True string
languageCode Language Code The language code used for the response message False string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
firstName First name of the person string
middleName Middle name of the person string
lastName Last name of the person string
birthdate Birth date of the person string
gender Gender of the person string
nationality Nationality of the person string
language Language of the person string
keywords.count The number of keywords associated with the person string
keywords[0].type The type of the keyword associated with the person string
keywords[0].value The value of the keyword associated with the person string

Fetch Phone List (fetchPhoneList)

Retrieves the list of phone numbers for the primary guest of a reservation, given the reservation number.

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
reservationNumber Reservation Number Hotel reservation confirmation number True string
languageCode Language Code The language code used for the response message False string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
phones.count The number of phone numbers associated with the primary guest string
phones[0].number The phone number string
phones[0].type Type of the phone number as defined in the system string
phones[0].displaySequence Display Sequence string
phones[0].primary Flag indicating whether this is the primary phone number for the primary guest string

Fetch Profile (fetchProfile)

Retrieves primary guest profile information (names, email addresses, phone numbers, documents etc...) given the reservation number.

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
reservationNumber Reservation Number Hotel reservation confirmation number True string
languageCode Language Code The language code used for the response message False string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
person.firstName First name of the person string
person.middleName Middle name of the person string
person.lastName Last name of the person string
person.birthdate Birth date of the person string
person.gender Gender of the person string
person.nationality Nationality of the person string
person.language Language of the person string
person.keywords.count The number of keywords associated with the person string
person.keywords[0].type The type of the keyword associated with the person string
person.keywords[0].value The value of the keyword associated with the person string
document.number The document number string
document.type Type of the document as defined in the system string
document.displaySequence Display Sequence string
document.primary Flag indicating whether this is the primary document for the primary guest string
document.issueDate The date when the document was issued. string
document.expirationDate The date when the document will expire. string
document.placeOfIssue The city/consular's office that issued the document. string
document.countryOfIssue The country code of issuance. string
emails.count The number of email addresses associated with the primary guest string
emails[0].address The email address, in format string
emails[0].format Email format to be used when sending emails to this address (HTML or TEXT). string
emails[0].type Type of the email address as defined in the system string
emails[0].displaySequence Display Sequence string
emails[0].primary Flag indicating whether this is the primary email address for the primary guest string
phones.count The number of phone numbers associated with the primary guest string
phones[0].number The phone number string
phones[0].type Type of the phone number as defined in the system string
phones[0].displaySequence Display Sequence string
phones[0].primary Flag indicating whether this is the primary phone number for the primary guest string

Fetch Reservation User Defined Fields (fetchReservationUDFs)

Retrieves the list of user-defined field values from a reservation.

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
reservationNumber Reservation Number Hotel reservation confirmation number True string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
uDFs[0].Item The Name of the User Defined field. string
uDFs[0].valueName The value associated with the User Defined Field's name. string

Find First Reservation (findFirstReservation)

Returns the first reservation found in the PMS that is using a specified document number. Filtering by reservation stay status or guest names is also possible.

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
status Stay status of the reservation The stay status to be used for the reservations. Can be one of these values: Reservation - 1, InHouse - 2, PreRegistered - 6. If not specified, the following statuses are assumed: InHouse. False string
documentNumber Document number The document number to be checked. True string
firstName First Name The first name to be checked. Either the first name, or the last name, or both must be specified. False string
lastName Last Name The last name to be checked. Either the first name, or the last name, or bothmust be specified. False string
languageCode Language Code The language code used for the response message False string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
reservationNumber Hotel reservation confirmation number string
reservationStatus Status of the reservation, as returned by the PMS. string
checkInDate The check-in date of the guest, formatted as yyyy-MM-dd string
checkOutDate The check-out date of the guest, formatted as yyyy-MM-dd string
guestLastName The last name of the guest associated with the hotel reservation string
guestFirstName The first name of the guest associated with the hotel reservation string

Find Reservation (findReservation)

Looks up a hotel reservation in the Infor HMS

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
reservationNumber Reservation Number Hotel reservation confirmation number False string
mobilePhoneNumber Mobile Phone Number Currently not supported (property name reserved for future use). False string
roomNumber Room Number The room number associated with the hotel reservation False string
documentNumber ID Document Number The ID document number of the guest associated with the hotel reservation. Can be used only when Scope = CheckOut is also specified. False string
guestLastName Guest Last Name The last name of the guest associated with the hotel reservation. Partial names are accepted too. For example, entering 'Smith' would match a guest with last name 'Smithers' False string
guestFirstName Guest First Name The first name of the guest associated with the hotel reservation. Partial names are accepted too. For example, entering 'James' would match a guest with last name 'Jameson' False string
guestFullName Guest Full Name The full name of the guest associated with the hotel reservation. In order for the lookup by full name to succeed, it must be in the 'lastName, firstName' format. Partial names are accepted too. For example, entering 'Smith, James' would match a guest with last name 'Smithers' and first name 'Jameson' False string
guestNameID Guest Name ID The guest's unique name identifier in the PMS system. False string
externalCrsNumber External CRS number The reservation's confirmation number, as provided by an external booking system. Needs to be specified along with guestLastName or roomNumber. False string
membershipNumber Membership number The membership number of the guest - provided that the guest is enrolled in a membership program. False string
membershipType Membership type The type of the membership program where the guest is enrolled to. False string
languageCode Language Code The language code used for the response message False string
scope Reservation look type (CheckIn or CheckOut) Purpose of the reservation look up. (CheckIn or CheckOut). Mandatory when looking up by guest names, room number or membership number. False string
partialComparison Partial Comparison When set to true - allows search by at least 3 characters when performing a search with last name. Defaults to false(whole words only). False boolean

Response Properties

Name Description Type
reservationNumber Hotel reservation confirmation number string
guestFullName The full name of the guest associated with the hotel reservation string
passportNumber The unique number of the identity document used by the guest for the hotel reservation string
guestLanguageCode The language code of the guest associated with the hotel reservation string
country The name of the country that represents the nationality of the guest string
checkInDate The check-in date of the guest, formatted as yyyy-MM-dd string
checkOutDate The check-out date of the guest, formatted as yyyy-MM-dd string
checkInTime The estimated check-in time of the guest, formatted as HH:mm:ss, in hotel's time zone. If this is null, standard hotel check-in time is assumed. string
checkOutTime The estimated check-out time of the guest, formatted as HH:mm:ss, in hotel's time zone. If this is null, standard hotel check-out time is assumed. string
beds The number of beds allocated for the reservation string
adults The number of adults associated with the reservation string
children The number of children associated with the reservation string
rooms.count The number of rooms associated with the reservation string
rooms[0].roomNumber The room number string
rooms[0].roomTypeCode The type of the room (as code) string
rooms[0].roomType The type of the room (as full description) string
rooms[0].roomRate The room price per night string
rooms[0].roomRateCurrency The currency for the room rate string
rooms[0].ratePlanCode The rate plan code applicable for the room string
emails.count The number of email addresses associated with the primary guest string
emails[0].address The email address, in format string
emails[0].format Email format to be used when sending emails to this address (HTML or TEXT). string
emails[0].type Type of the email address as defined in the PMS system. string
emails[0].displaySequence Display Sequence string
emails[0].primary Flag indicating whether this is the primary email address for the primary guest string
phones.count The number of phone numbers associated with the primary guest string
phones[0].number The phone number string
phones[0].type Type of the phone number as defined in the PMS system string
phones[0].displaySequence Display Sequence string
phones[0].primary Flag indicating whether this is the primary phone number for the primary guest string
address.addressLine Guest residence address as recorded in the PMS. string
address.cityName The guest's city of residence as recorded in the PMS. string The guest residence country as recorded in the PMS. string
address.countryCode The ISO-3166 code of the guest residence country as recorded in the PMS. string
reservationStatus Can be one of these values: 1=Reservation; 2=In-House; 3=Checked out (today); 4=Permanent; 5=Wait list; 6=Pre-registered; 7=Canceled; 8=No Show string
hasCreditCard The current reservation has/not have a credit card attached. boolean
lastFourDigits The last four digits of the credit card on file with the PMS. string
settlementType The settlement type on file with the PMS, if any. string
preCheckIn Flag indicating whether the current reservation has been already pre checked-in boolean
memberships.count The number of memberships for the guest string
memberships[0].membershipNumber The membership number of the guest. string
memberships[0].membershipType The membership type of the guest. string
memberships[0].membershipLevel The membership level. string
memberships[0].membershipClass The membership class. string
accompanyingGuests.count The number of accompanying guests associated with this reservation string
accompanyingGuests[0].guestType Type of accompanying guest - Sharer or AdditionalGuest. For the time being, Infor HMS Adapter returns just AdditionalGuests. string
accompanyingGuests[0].reservationNumber The reservation number of the accompanying guest. For Infor, this corresponds with the main reservation number. string
accompanyingGuests[0].reservationStatus The accompanying guest reservation status. For Infor, this corresponds with the main reservation number. string
accompanyingGuests[0].ratePlanCode The rate plan code used for the accompanying guest reservation. For Infor, this corresponds with the main reservation rate plan code string
accompanyingGuests[0].guestId The accompanying guest's unique ID. For Infor, this correspnds with the unique guestDetailID of the guest profile. string
accompanyingGuests[0].guestLastName Accompanying guest's last name string
accompanyingGuests[0].guestFirstName Accompanying guest's first name string
accompanyingGuests[0].guestFullName Accompanying guest's full name string
accompanyingGuests[0].primary A flag indicating whether the accompanying guest is reservation's primary guest boolean
accompanyingGuests[0].document.firstName Accompanying guest's first name, as in the scanned ID document string
accompanyingGuests[0].document.lastName Accompanying guest's last name, as in the scanned ID document string
accompanyingGuests[0].document.gender Accompanying guest's gender string
accompanyingGuests[0].document.number Accompanying guest's ID document number string
accompanyingGuests[0].document.type Accompanying guest's ID document type string
accompanyingGuests[0].document.issueDate Accompanying guest's ID document issue date string
accompanyingGuests[0].document.expirationDate Accompanying guest's ID document expiration date string
accompanyingGuests[0].document.placeOfIssue Accompanying guest's ID document place of issue (The city or consular office that issued the document) string
accompanyingGuests[0].document.countryOfIssue Accompanying guest's ID document country of issue (The country that issued the document) string
accompanyingGuests[0].document.primary Flag indicating whether this is the primary document for the associated profile string
accompanyingGuests[0].document.dateOfBirth Accompanying guest's date of birth, as in the scanned ID document string
accompanyingGuests[0].document.nationality Accompanying guest's nationality string
accompanyingGuests[0].document.nationalityCode Accompanying guest's nationality code string
accompanyingGuests[0].document.title Accompanying guest's title string
profile.uDFs[0].valueName User define field value name string
profile.uDFs[0].item User define field item value string
profile.privacyField[0].optionType Privacy option type string
profile.privacyField[0].optionValue Privacy option value string

Get Code Types (getCodeTypes)

Get the list of all code types available on the PMS

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
languageCode Language Code The language code used for the response message False string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
codeTypes.count The number of email types known to the PMS string
codeTypes[0].name Email Type description string
codeTypes[0].value Email Type code string

Get Code Values (getCodeValues)

Get the list of all Code Values for a specific Code Type available on the PMS

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
codeType Code Type The code type for which we want to get the values. True string
languageCode Language Code The language code used for the response message False string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
codeValues.count The number of email types known to the PMS string
codeValues[0].categoryCode Category Code string
codeValues[0].codeType Code Type string
codeValues[0].codeTypeName Code Type Name string
codeValues[0].codeValue Code Value string
codeValues[0].codeValueDescription Code Value Description string
codeValues[0].codeValueName Code Value Name string

Get Countries (getCountries)

Get the list of all known countries from the PMS

Response Properties

Name Description Type
countries.count The number of countries known to the PMS string
countries[0].countryName Country name string
countries[0].countryCode Country code string

Get Credit Card Types (getCreditCardTypes)

Get the list of all credit card types available on the PMS

Response Properties

Name Description Type
creditCardTypes.count The number of credit card types known to the PMS string
creditCardTypes[0].description Credit Card Type description string
creditCardTypes[0].code Credit Card Type code string

Get Currencies (getCurrencies)

Get the list of all known currencies from the PMS

Response Properties

Name Description Type
currencies.count The number of currencies known to the PMS string
currencies[0].currencyName Currency name string
currencies[0].currencyCode Currency code string

Get Email Types (getEmailTypes)

Get the list of all email types available on the PMS

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
languageCode Language Code The language code used for the response message False string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
emailTypes.count The number of email types known to the PMS string
emailTypes[0].description Email Type description string
emailTypes[0].code Email Type code string

Get Room Features (getFeatures)

Get the list of all known room features from the PMS

Response Properties

Name Description Type
features.count The number of room features known to the PMS string
features[0].featureName Feature name string
features[0].featureCode Feature code string

Get Folio (getFolio)

Returns the folio (i.e. the billing info) for a room.

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
roomNumber Room Number The number of the room for which we're retrieving the folio info. Either room number or reservation number need to be specified. False string
reservationNumber Reservation Number Hotel reservation confirmation number for which we're retrieving the folio info. Either room number or reservation number need to be specified. False string
subFolioCodes Subfolio Codes Specific Subfolio Codes of the folio transactions to be returned. You can specify multiple codes separated by commas (,). When this parameter is not set, all folio transactions will be returned, regardless of their subfolio code. False string
languageCode Language Code The language code used for the response message False string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
reservationNumber Hotel reservation confirmation number string
guestFullName The full name of the guest checked in to the room string
checkInDate The guest's check in date, formatted as yyyy-MM-dd string
checkOutDate The guest's check out date, formatted as yyyy-MM-dd string
totalBillableAmount The total amount to be payed for the room string
currency The currency in which the payment will be made string
billDetails.count The number of the items in the detailed billing info string
billDetails[0].amount The amount to be payed for the item in the detailed billing info string
billDetails[0].desc The description of the item in the detailed billing info string
lastFourDigits The last four digits of the credit card on file with the PMS. string

Get Passport (getPassport)

Retrieves the passport information for the primary guest, given the reservation number.

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
reservationNumber Reservation Number Hotel reservation confirmation number True string
languageCode Language Code The language code used for the response message False string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
number The document number string
type Type of the document as a code (PP, DL, IC, etc) string
displaySequence Display Sequence string
primary Flag indicating whether this is the primary document for the primary guest string
issueDate The date when the document was issued. string
expirationDate The date when the document will expire. string
placeOfIssue The city/consular's office that issued the document. string
countryOfIssue The country code of issuance. string

Get Phone Types (getPhoneTypes)

Get the list of all phone types available on the PMS

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
languageCode Language Code The language code used for the response message False string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
phoneTypes.count The number of phone types known to the PMS string
phoneTypes[0].description Phone Type description string
phoneTypes[0].code Phone Type code string

Get Property Info (getPropertyInfo)

Provides ability to query basic property info.

Response Properties

Name Description Type
hotelDate Hotel date in format (YYYY-MM-DD) string
propertyCode Property Code string
propertyName Property Name string
stateProvince State Province string

Get Registration Card (getRegistrationCard)

Obtains a Registration Card to be signed by the guest for the specified hotel reservation/booking

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
reservationNumber Reservation Number Hotel reservation confirmation number True string
languageCode Language Code The language code used for the response message False string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
isSuccess Flag indicating whether the command was successful or not boolean
errorMessage When the command failed, this field indicates the failure reason string
guestRegistrationCard.fileData Binary data of the Guest Registration Card to store along with the reservation, as a base-64 string string
guestRegistrationCard.fileType Data type for the Guest Registration Card (defaults to PDF) string
guestRegistrationCard.fileName File name of the Guest Registration Card. string

Get Reservations (getReservations)

Retrieves the list of due in reservations.

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
daysOffset Days Offset The number of days to be used for the reservations. If not specified, 1 is assumed. False string
timeZone TimeZone The timeZone to be used for the reservations. If not specified, UTC is assumed. False string
status Stay Status of the reservation The stay status to be used for the reservations. Can be one of these values: Reservation, InHouse, CheckedOut, Permanent, WaitList, PreRegistered, Canceled, NoShow. If not specified, the following statuses are assumed: Reservation, PreRegistered, Canceled, CheckedOut, InHouse, NoShow. False string
languageCode Language Code The language code used for the response message False string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
reservations Reservations array
reservations.count The number of reservations string
reservations[0].reservationNumber Hotel reservation confirmation number string
reservations[0].reservationStatus Status of the reservation, as returned by the Opera PMS. string
reservations[0].checkInDate The check-in date of the guest, formatted as yyyy-MM-dd string
reservations[0].checkOutDate The check-out date of the guest, formatted as yyyy-MM-dd string
reservations[0].guestLastName The last name of the guest associated with the hotel reservation string
reservations[0].guestFirstName The first name of the guest associated with the hotel reservation string
reservations[0].email The email address, in format string

Get Room Attributes (getRoomAttributes)

Get the list of all room attributes available on the PMS

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
languageCode Language Code The language code used for the response message False string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
roomTypes.count The number of room attributes known to the PMS string
roomTypes[0].roomAttribute Room Attribute description string
roomTypes[0].roomAttributeCode Room Attribute code string

Get Room Info (getRoomInfo)

Returns the info for a room associated with a room number.

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
roomNumber Room Number The room number True string
languageCode Language Code The language code used for the response message False string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
roomNumber The room number string
roomTypeCode The type of the room (as code) string
roomType The type of the room (as full description) string
roomRate The room price per night string
roomRateCurrency The currency for the room rate string
smokingAllowed Indicates whether smoking is allowed or not in the room string

Get Room Types (getRoomTypes)

Get the list of all room types available on the PMS

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
languageCode Language Code The language code used for the response message False string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
roomTypes.count The number of room types known to the PMS string
roomTypes[0].roomType Room Type description string
roomTypes[0].roomTypeCode Room Type code string

Get Supported Features (getSupportedFeatures)

Reads a collection of the features supported by the PMS.

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
languageCode Language Code The language code used for the response message False string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
features.count The number of room features known to the PMS string
features[0].featureName Feature name string
features[0].featureCode Feature code string
languages.count The number of languages known to the PMS string
languages[0].languageName Language name string
languages[0].languageCode Language code string
roomTypes.count The number of room types known to the PMS string
roomTypes[0].roomType Room Type description string
roomTypes[0].roomTypeCode Room Type code string
roomTypes[0].maxOccupancy Maximum accommodated guest number. string
currencies.count The number of currencies known to the PMS string
currencies[0].currencyName Currency name string
currencies[0].currencyCode Currency code string
countries.count The number of countries known to the PMS string
countries[0].countryName Country name string
countries[0].countryCode Country code string
resortRoomTypes.count The number of room types known to the PMS string
resortRoomTypes[0].roomType Room Type description string
resortRoomTypes[0].roomTypeCode Room Type code string
creditCardTypes.count The number of credit card types known to the PMS string
creditCardTypes[0].description Credit card description (e.g. American Express) string
creditCardTypes[0].code Credit card type code (e.g. AMEX) string
phoneTypes.count The number of phone types known to the PMS string
phoneTypes[0].description Phone Type description string
phoneTypes[0].code Phone type code string
propertyCodes.count The number of property codes known to the PMS string
propertyCodes[0].description Property code description string
propertyCodes[0].value Property code value string

Insert Email (insertEmail)

Adds a primary e-mail address record to the primary guest of a reservation, given the reservation number and e-mail address to insert.

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
reservationNumber Reservation Number Hotel reservation confirmation number True string
languageCode Language Code The language code used for the response message False string
email.address Email address The email address to insert, in format True string
email.type Type of the email address Type of the email address to insert. The adapter will not perform any validation on the correctness of this value - but it needs to be a correct email address type, from PMS perspective, otherwise the command will fail. If left empty, the value specified in the adapter's setup page as Default Email Type will be used. If that value is empty too, PRIM will be used. False string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
Id The unique ID (in the system) of the inserted email address. string

Insert Phone (insertPhone)

Adds a primary phone record to the primary guest of a reservation, given the reservation number and the phone number to insert.

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
reservationNumber Reservation Number Hotel reservation confirmation number True string
languageCode Language Code The language code used for the response message False string
phone.number Phone Number The phone number to insert True string
phone.type Type of the phone number Type of the phone number to insert. The adapter will not perform any validation on the correctness of this value - but it needs to be a correct phone number type, from PMS perspective, otherwise the command will fail. If left empty, the value specified in the adapter's setup page as Default Phone Type will be used. If that value is empty too, MOBILE will be used. False string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
Id The unique ID (in system) of the inserted phone number. string

Insert/Update Address (insertUpdateAddress)

Adds or updates the primary address of the primary guest of a reservation, given the reservation number and address information to insert or update.

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
reservationNumber Reservation Number The reservation/confirmation number. True string
languageCode Language Code The language code used for the response message False string
address.addressLine Address line Address as scanned from the document. False string
address.cityName City Name The guest's city of residence (from the address). False string Address Country The guest residence country (based on the address in the document). If not specified, or not mappable to a known ISO-3166 country, this field is ignored. False string
address.countryCode Address Country Code The ISO-3166 code of the guest residence country (based on the address in the document). If not specified, or not mappable to a known ISO-3166 country, this field is ignored; otherwise, it takes precedence over Address Country. False string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
isSuccess Flag indicating whether the command was successful or not boolean
errorMessage When the command failed, this field indicates the failure reason string

Insert/Update Document (insertUpdateDocument)

Adds or updates a document to a guest profile, given the reservation number and the document information to insert or update. If updating an additional guest, then the guest identifier needs to be specified as well.

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
reservationNumber Reservation number The reservation/confirmation number. True string
languageCode Language Code The language code used for the response message False string
guestDetailID Guest Detail ID The guest identifier - if updating an additional guest profile False string
document.firstName First Name First Name on scanned document True string
document.lastName Last Name Last Name on scanned document True string
document.number Document number The document number True string
document.type Type of the document Set to PASSPORT to update the passport information, or to one of the ID document types defined in Infor HMS system to update the ID document information. False string
document.gender Gender Gender as scanned from document. Possible values: M, F, Male, Female, male, female. Is anything else is typed in UNKNOWN will be used. False string
document.issueDate Issue Date The date when the document was issued, formatted as a Date/Time string recognized by UIP. For example, YYYY-MM-DD, or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS. True string
document.expirationDate Expiration Date The date when the document will expire, formatted as a Date/Time string recognized by UIP. For example, YYYY-MM-DD, or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS. If not specified, this field is ignored. True string
document.placeOfIssue Place of issue The local authority that has issued the document. Usually, this is the city where the document was issued. If not specified, this field is ignored. False string
document.countryOfIssue Country of issue The country that has issued the document. If not specified, or not mappable to a known ISO-3166 country, this field is ignored. False string
document.address.addressLine Address line Address as scanned from the document. False string
document.address.cityName City Name The guest's city of residence (from the address). False string Address Country The guest residence country (based on the address in the document). If not specified, or not mappable to a known ISO-3166 country, this field is ignored. False string
document.address.countryCode Address Country Code The ISO-3166 code of the guest residence country (based on the address in the document). If not specified, or not mappable to a known ISO-3166 country, this field is ignored; otherwise, it takes precedence over Address Country. False string
document.dateOfBirth Date of Birth The guest's date of birth, as scanned from the document. True string
document.nationality Nationality The guest nationality (the country of citizenship). If not specified, or not mappable to a known ISO-3166 country, this field is ignored False string
document.nationalityCode Nationality code. The ISO-3166 code of the guest nationality. If not specified, or not mappable to a known ISO-3166 country, this field is ignored; otherwise, it takes precedence over Nationality. False string
document.title Title Guest's title (name prefix). Must use one of the values defined in the PMS otherwise it is ignored. False string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
isSuccess Flag indicating whether the command was successful or not boolean
errorMessage When the command failed, this field indicates the failure reason string

Insert Update Reservation UDFs (insertUpdateReservationUDFs)

Adds to or modifies the list of user-defined field values for a reservation, given the reservation number and a list of UDF records.

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
reservationNumber Reservation Number Hotel reservation confirmation number True string
udfName UDF Name The Name of the User Defined field. Acceptable non-case sensitive UDF Names allowed: udfChar{01-15}, udfChkBox{01-05}, udfDate{01-05}, or udfNum{01-10} eg. udfChar01. True string
udfValue UDF Value The value associated with the User Defined Field's name. Date format: yyyy-MM-dd True string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
isSuccess Flag indicating whether the command was successful or not boolean
errorMessage When the command failed, this field indicates the failure reason string

Modify Booking (modifyBooking)

Not supported! Reserved for future usage.

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
reservationNumber Reservation Number The reservation number of the modified booking. True string
adultsNumber Adults Number Adults Number for the booking. Must be a positive integer value. If a bad value is entered, 0 is assumed as default. True string
childrenNumber Children Number Children Number for the booking. Must be a positive integer value. If a bad value is entered, 0 is assumed as default. True string
roomTypeCode Room Type Code The hotel internal code for the room type the booking is intended to be performed to. Must be set to a correct value from the PMS perspective. True string
ratePlanCode Rate Plan Code The hotel internal code for the room rate the booking is intended to be performed to. Must be set to a correct value from the PMS perspective. If left empty, the value specified in the adapter's setup page (field named Default Rate Plan Code for New Reservations) will be used. If that field is left empty too, the default value used will be the one specified in the adapterType-inforhms.json file in the defaultValue field of the adapter's defaultRatePlanCode property. False string
unitsNumber Units Number Number of rooms from the reservation. True string
startDate Start Date The start date (check-in date) of the booking to be created. Must be specified in yyyy-MM-dd format. True string
endDate End Date The end date (check-out date) of the booking to be created. Must be specified in yyyy-MM-dd format. True string
languageCode Language Code The language code used for the response message False string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
reservationNumber Hotel reservation confirmation number string
guestFullName The full name of the guest associated with the hotel reservation string
adultsNumber The number of adults from the reservation string
childrenNumber The number of children from the reservation string
nameID The profile name ID of the guest associated with the hotel reservation. string

Pre Check In (preCheckIn)

Performs Pre Check In for a Guest associated with a hotel reservation/booking

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
reservationNumber Reservation Number Hotel reservation confirmation number True string
autoAssignRoom Auto Assign Room When this flag is set to true, automatically assign a room for the specified hotel reservation if it does not have one already. Default value is true. False boolean
languageCode Language Code The language code used for the response message False string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
isSuccess Flag indicating whether the command was successful or not boolean
errorMessage When the command failed, this field indicates the failure reason string

Query Booked Add-ons (queryBookedAddons)

Fetches a list of the options (add-ons) that are already added to an existing booking.

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
reservationNumber Reservation Number Hotel reservation confirmation number True string
languageCode Language Code The language code used for the response message False string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
packages.count The total number of booked packages string
packages[0].id The unique ID of the booked package string
packages[0].code The unique code of the booked package string
packages[0].desc Booked package description string
packages[0].totalExpectedCharge Total amount to be payed for all booked packages of this kind (taxes included) string
packages[0].expectedCharges.count Total amount of items that will be charged for this booked package string
packages[0].expectedCharges[0].quantity Total quantity of booked items string
packages[0].expectedCharges[0].unitCharge Charge for the booked item (tax not included) string
packages[0].expectedCharges[0].unitTax Tax for the booked item string
packages[0].expectedCharges[0].startDate Start date of charge interval for the booked item string
packages[0].expectedCharges[0].endDate End date of charge interval for the booked item string
inventoryItems.count The number of booked inventory items string
inventoryItems[0].id The unique code of the booked inventory item string
inventoryItems[0].code The unique ID of the booked inventory item string
inventoryItems[0].name The name of the booked inventory item string
inventoryItems[0].desc The description of the booked inventory item string
inventoryItems[0].itemDate The date of the booked inventory item string
inventoryItems[0].itemGroup The unique code of the group that this booked inventory item belongs to (if any) string
inventoryItems[0].quantity The total booked amount of the items of this kind string

Register Payment (registerPayment)

Register an external payment

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
reservationNumber Reservation Number The number of the reservation for which the payment was made. True string
transactionId Transaction Id Payment transaction ID. If not specified, it defaults to the reservation number. False string
authorizedAmount Authorized Amount Authorized transaction amount as received from external payment system True string
transactionAmount Transaction Amount Requested transaction amount (might be different than the approval amount) True string
authorizationCode Authorization Code Authorization code as received from external payment system True string
maskedCardNumber Masked Card Number Credit card number used for payment. Leave empty for cash payments. False string
cardExpirationDate Card Expiration Date Credit card expiration date, in format YYMM, if this was a credit card payment. Leave empty for cash payments. False string
accountToken Account Token Account token as received from external payment system False string
terminalCode Terminal Code The code of the terminal where the payment was made True string
paymentType Payment Type Credit card type used for payment. Leave empty for cash payments. False string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
isSuccess Flag indicating whether the command was successful or not boolean
errorMessage When the command failed, this field indicates the failure reason string

Update Booked Add-ons (updateBookedAddons)

Updates the list of the options (add-ons) that are already added to an existing booking. It can be also used to delete add-ons from a reservation.

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
reservationNumber Reservation Number Hotel reservation confirmation number (required) True string
id ID ID of the add-on to be updated (as returned by the QueryBookedAddons command). It needs to be specified if you want to update an existing add-on. Otherwise it may be not specified. False string
code Code Code of the add-on to be added or updated (as returned by the QueryBookedAddons command). It needs to be specified if you want to add or update an add-on. When deleting an add-on it does not need to be specified. False string
quantity Quantity The number of add-ons to be added or updated. If not specified, it defaults to 1 which means to add one add-on of the specified type and code to the reservation. To delete add-ons from the reservation, specify quantity = 0. False string
languageCode Language Code The language code used for the response message (optional) False string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
isSuccess Flag indicating whether the command was successful or not boolean
errorMessage When the command failed, this field indicates the failure reason string

Update Passport (updatePassport)

Adds or modifies the passport record for the primary guest of a reservation, given the reservation number and passport information.

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
reservationNumber Reservation Number Hotel reservation confirmation number True string
languageCode Language Code The language code used for the response message False string
passport.number Passport number The passport number True string
passport.issueDate Issue Date The date when the passport was issued. True string
passport.expirationDate Expiration Date The date when the passport will expire. True string
passport.countryOfIssue Country of issue The country code that has issued the passport. True string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
isSuccess Flag indicating whether the command was successful or not boolean
errorMessage When the command failed, this field indicates the failure reason string

Assign Room (assignRoom)

Assign a room for the specified hotel reservation

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
reservationNumber Reservation Number Hotel reservation confirmation number True string
languageCode Language Code The language code used for the response message False string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
isSuccess Flag indicating whether the command was succesful or not boolean
errorMessage When the command failed, this field indicates the failure reason string

Release History

Version Type Description Tracking # Date
2.0.1 Initial First release in the Adapter Type store.
2.0.11 Maintenance Updated third-party components and improved maintainability. NAP-11518
2.0.12 Maintenance Updated third-party components and improved maintainability. NAP-20852
2.0.14 New feature
Bug fix
Bug fix
Bug fix
Support for late arriving accompanying guests
Infor HMS Adapter API certification tests
Don't return reservations when the combination reservationNumber/guestLastName is incorrect
Insert/Update Document shouldn't also update guest names
Do not return the guest title (Mr, Ms) as part of guest full names
2.0.15 Bug fix
Bug fix
Bug fix
Bug fix
Document name not properly updated in PMS
Find Reservation using Room Number & ID Doc Number fails
Infor HMS adapter does not load CA certificates
Document that searching by mobilePhoneNumber  is not supported
2.0.17 Maintenance Updated third-party components and improved maintainability. NAP-23945 2022-11-29
2.0.18 Bug fix Get Folio command should allow filtering by sub folio type NAP-26545 2023-08-16
2.0.19 Bug fix Add Payment command - Pre-auth amount issue NAP-26561 2023-08-17
2.0.20 Bug fix Add Payment command - No need to perform pre-auth when HMS REST operation paymentCardOriginalAuthRequest returns zero or negative amount NAP-26686 2023-09-19
2.0.21 Bug fix Add Payment command - Do not use the guarantee card stored in the folio for authorization; prompt customer to present their card NAP-28463 2024-04-04
2.0.22 Maintenance
Updated third-party components and improved maintainability.
Find Reservation command - enhance by finding using a partial match of External CRS Number
2.0.23 Bug fix Find Reservation command - exception when address field has street address and no country NAP-29256 2024-07-10
2.0.24 Maintenance Updated third-party components and improved maintainability. NAP-27635 2024-07-31
2.0.25 Maintenance Updated third-party components and improved maintainability. NAP-27635
2.0.26 Bug fix Updated Find Reservation response to include Settlement Type and added parameter to control automatic room assignment in Pre-Check In KSK-16460
