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Adapter - E Visitor Authentication

This page describes version 2.0.6 of the adapter.


The E Visitor Authentication adapter is a specialized adapter that connects to two different API sources provided by the Singapore Tourism Board (STB). The first connection uses the OAUTH API Host Address, the STB provided API Key, the STB provided Client ID and the STB provided Client secret to obtain an authorization or bearer token. This token is used with the second connection defined in the E-Visitor Authentication API Host Address field to send guest information to the Singapore Tourism board upon checking into the hotel. For information regarding error codes and their meanings returned by the E-Visitor Authentication API please reference the Interface between STB adn Hotel's System guide provided by STB.


Name Display Is Required Comments Type Default Value Maximum Value Minimum Value Maximum Length Minimum Length
checkInUri E-Visitor Check-in API URL True The URL for the Singapore Tourism Board API service and port. If the port is unspecified, the default will be assumed. https - 443, http - 8080. string 1024
apiKey E-Visitor Authentication API Key True The API Key necessary to access the Visitor API service. password 1024
hotelCode Hotel ID True Hotel ID refers to the hotel's license number as issued by the Hotel Licensing Board (HLB). string 5
accessTokenUri OAUTH Access Token API Host URL True The URL for the Singapore Tourism Board OAUTH service and port. If the port is unspecified, the default will be assumed. https - 443, http - 8080. string 1024
clientId API Consumer Key True The ID provided by the Singapore Tourism Board following the registration process used to create authorization token. string 1024
clientSecret API Consumer Secret True The Secret provided by the Singapore Tourism Board following the registration process used to create authorization token. password 1024


Currently all configuration properties are required and the connection only supports a secure https:// configuration using port 443 for both connections. The default FQDN host addresses suggested by the configuration are the current addresses provided by the Singapore Tourism Board and should be used unless STB publishes new ones.


Visitor Check In (visitorCheckIn)

Send guest data to Singapore Tourism Board for E-Visitor Authentication.

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
guestName Guest Name Name of Visitor from passport. True string
nationality Nationality Code Nationality code from passport. True string
passportNumber Passport Number Passport Number from passport. True string
dateOfBirth Date of birth Date of Birth Format: YYYYMMDD, YYYYMM00, YYYY0000, or YYYY-MM-DD. True string
checkInDate Check In Date Date of guest check in Format: YYYYMMDD, YYYY-MM-DD. True string
checkOutDate Check Out Date Date of guest check out Format: YYYYMMDD, YYYY-MM-DD. True string
bookingId Booking ID The guest's booking id. True string
imgPhoto Kiosk Photo Image Base64 string of photo that is taken on the spot at the hotel check-in counter. True string
imgScannedTd Scanned Passport Image Base64 string of image of passport scanned. True string
imgRef Cropped Passport Photo Base64 string of image of cropped photo from passport scanned that is used to compare with Photo of the Day. True string
manualInput Was data manually input? To indicate if guest data is manually input true: Guest data was manually entered false: if otherwise. False is the default setting. False string
gender Gender A single character gender code. Acceptable gender codes : F, M, O, U, X. F - Female, M - Male, O - Unspecified, U - Unspecified, X - Unspecified. False string
passportType Passport Type Code A single digit code to indicate passport type. Acceptable passport type codes: B, I, N. B - Biometric, I - ICAO, N - Non-ICAO. False string
mrzData (MRZ) Data. Raw Machine Readable Zone (MRZ) Data. False string
kioskId Kiosk ID The ID of the kiosk where the check in took place. False string
kioskUserId Kiosk User ID ID of user logged in to Kiosk to provide Kiosk ID if information is not available. False string
staffName Staff Name Name of Hotel Staff. *If kioskId and kioskUserId are populated, nameStaff and idNoStaff are not mandatory. Applicable if the check-in process was intervened by a staff to complete. False string
staffId Staff ID Name of Hotel Staff. *If kioskId and kioskUserId are populated, nameStaff and idNoStaff are not mandatory. Applicable if the check-in process was intervened by a staff to complete. False string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
data.responseDateTime The date and time the response was returned from STB. string
data.resultCode Code indicating the status of the results. string
data.stbEvaTransactionId Unique transaction ID created by STB for corresponding between Hotel, STB and ICA Format: STBEVA034120210128152815115. string
data.errorCodeList Validation errors returned for the transaction or the fields if there are any. array
data.errorMsg Implemented if additional error messaging is needed in the response. string
createdAt Time stamp of the transaction record created Format: 2021-01-28T07:28:15.118+08:00. string
status.code HTTP Code - 200,- 400,- 401,- 404,- 405,- 414,- 415,- 422,- 500. string
status.errorCodeList Validation errors returned for the transaction or the fields if there are any. array
status.message Status Message Returned from E-Visitor Authentication Service regarding the transaction. string
code Adapter failure code returned from the adapter. string
error Adapter error message returned from the adapter. string

Release History

Version Type Description Tracking # Date
2.0.1 Initial(E-Visitor Authentication) First release in the Adapter Type store.
2.0.3 Bug fix & Maintenance Adapter did not load and trust UIP Trusted CA certificates.
Updated third-party components and improved maintainability.
2.0.4 Bug fix Added debugging info and increased retries for Authtoken calls. NAP-24610 2022-12-19
2.0.5 Bug fix Include an User-Agent header in the HTTPS requests sent to EVA/STB NAP-27214 2023-10-20
2.0.6 Maintenance Updated third-party components and improved maintainability. NAP-27635 2025-02-18
