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Adapter - Assa Abloy

This page describes version 2.0.11 of the adapter.


This adapter is used to connect to an Assa Abloy system and program key cards that can be used to open doors. The adapter can be used to program a room key card on guest check in, create room key card copies, and unassigned any previously programmed room key on guest check out.

One of its typical use cases is to provide room key programming support for the Kiosk Client application.


Name Display Is Required Comments Type Default Value Maximum Value Minimum Value Maximum Length Minimum Length
type Assa Abloy Service Type False Enter visionline or vostio. The default is visionline. string 32
baseAddress Assa Abloy Visionline Service Address (Web API or PMS Plus) True To connect via Web API enter: https:///api/v1; To connect via PMS Plus, enter: :. For Vostio enter string 1024
username User Name False Enter the user name for an account with permissions to connect to Assa Abloy. This is needed only when connecting via Web API or Vostio. string 1024
password Password False The password for the user id with permissions to connect to Assa Abloy. This is needed only when connecting via Web API or Vostio. string 1024
userpoolid User Pool Id False For Vostio enter the user pool id. string 1024
clientid Client Id False For Vostio enter the client id. string 1024
rootCertificate Trusted Certificate (Web API only) False If the Assa Abloy server uses an untrusted certificate when connecting via WebAPI, enter the Base64 encoded PEM string
acceptAnyCert Accept any certificate presented by the Assa Abloy server, even if there are errors in validation. (Web API only) False Accept any certificate presented by the Assa Abloy server when connecting via WebAPI, even those that have expired or any other validation errors. We recommened to use the option with maximum care as it exposes the system to MTM attacks. boolean false
useXaahDateHeader Use X-Aah-Date header instead of Date header in WebAPI requests True Use the X-Aah-Date header instead of Date header in HTTPS requests when connecting via WebAPI. Confirm with the AssaAbloy Visionline or VingCard server which type of header needs to be used. boolean false


Check In (checkin)

Used to check in a guest that is using a key card for room access.

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
room Room Number Room to be accessed by the guest. True string
expireTime Expiration Time (yyyy-MM-DD hh:mm) The date/time when the card access is expected to expire. True string
format Card format (rfid48 or TLCcode) Format used on the property for key cards and mobile access. If not specified, or invalid, it defaults to rfid48. False string
encoder Encoder name (or encoder address, for PMS Plus) Identifies the encoder in which the requested card will be encoded. For PMS Plus, use EAx, where x is a number representing the encoder's PMS address, as defined in Visionline. True string
endPointId Mobile Key End Point ID Unique id assigned to the user's mobile phone. Only sent in the case of obtaining a mobile key. False string
accountName Mobile Key Account Name The unique name of the credential services account to be used. If not sent then the default account will be used. Only sent in the case of obtaining a mobile key. False string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
status Status of the command - true for success, false for failure string
error Error code (if any) string
errorMessage Error message originating from adapter (if any). string
cardId Identification number assigned to the card by the Assa Abloy system. Only returned when connecting via Web API. Not via PMS Plus. string
credentialId Identification number assigned to a mobile access key. Only returned when connecting via Web API. Not via PMS Plus. string

Join Room (joinroom)

Used to join a key card or mobile access to existing guest room access.

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
room Room Number Room to be accessed by the guest. True string
expireTime Expiration Time (yyyy-MM-DD hh:mm) The date/time when the card access is expected to expire True string
format Card format (rfid48 or TLCcode) Format used on the property for key cards and mobile access. If not specified, or invalid, it defaults to rfid48. False string
encoder Encoder name (or encoder address, for PMS Plus) Identifies the encoder in which the requested card will be encoded. For PMS Plus, use EAx, where x is a number representing the encoder's PMS address, as devined in Visionline. True string
endPointId Mobile Key End Point ID Unique id assigned to the user's mobile phone. Only sent in the case of obtaining a mobile key. False string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
cardId Identification number assigned to the card by the Assa Abloy system. Only returned when connecting via Web API. Not via PMS Plus. string
credentialId Identification number assigned to a mobile access key. Only returned when connecting via Web API. Not via PMS Plus. string
status Status of the command - success/failure string
error Error code (if any) string
errorMessage Error message originating from adapter (if any). string

Check Out (checkout)

Check out a list of rooms for which key cards were generated.

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
room Room Number Room(s) to check out. Value is room number(s) with multiple entries separated by commas. ex. 101,102,103. True string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
status Status of the command - success/failure string
error Error code (if any) string
errorMessage Error message originating from adapter. string

Generate Card Data (generateCardData)

Make a card.

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
room Room Number Room(s) to check out. Value is room number(s) with multiple entries separated by commas. ex. 101,102,103. True string
expireTime Expiration Time (yyyy-MM-DD hh:mm) The date/time when the card access is expected to expire True string
mifareType Mifare Card Type cardType=classic, plus, or desfire (default=classic). True string
serialNumber Serial Number specify the serial number of the card. True string
format Card format (rfid48 or TLCcode) Format used on the property for key cards and mobile access. If not specified, or invalid, it defaults to rfid48. False string
join Join Room join=true to join to an existing card for the room. False string

Response Properties

Name Description Type
authenticationKey Key used to authenticate mifare key. string
encryptedImage Encrypted Image to make a key. string
status Status of the command - success/failure string
error Error code (if any) string
errorMessage Error message originating from adapter. string

Release History

Version Type Description Tracking # Date
2.0.1 Initial First release in the Adapter Type store.
2.0.3 Bug fix
Bug fix
Assa Abloy adapter should allow overwriting existing card
Assa Abloy adapter should use only one Date header, not both
2.0.4 Maintenance Improved maintainability of documentation. NAP-18911
2.0.5 Maintenance Updated third-party components and improved maintainability. NAP-23945 2022-11-29
2.0.7 Feature Added command to retrieve data for 3rd party encoding NAP-24890 2023-07-31
2.0.8 Feature Added Vostio API support NAP-26984 2024-03-29
2.0.10 Maintenance Updated third-party components and improved maintainability. NAP-27635 2024-07-31
2.0.11 Maintenance Updated third-party components and improved maintainability. NAP-27635 2024-12-18
