Adapter - Apprise
This page describes version 2.0.3 of the adapter.
This adapter provides the ability to send notifications through the Apprise library.
This adapter supports sending Productivity Based, SMS, Email and Custom Notifications based on the Apprise library.
This adapter does not support Apprise Desktop Notifications. This is a technical limitation of the adapter environment.
Some examples are Microsoft Teams, Twilio, Signal, Push Bullet, AWS Simple Email Service, Slack, Telegram, and many others. See for a list of supported notifications and formats.
To use an Apprise notification method, view the details at the above link and use designated syntax in the Send Command for one or more destinations.
Send (send)
Send a notification.
Request Properties
Name | Display | Description | Is Required | Type |
title | Title | The title for the notification. | True | string |
body | Body | The body for the notification. | True | string |
type | Notification Type | The notification type: info, success, warning, or failure (default = info). | False | string |
format | Body Format | The format of the body: text, html, or markdown (default = text). | False | string |
destination1 | Destination 1 for the notification | The destination apprise formatted uri. | True | string |
destination2 | Destination 2 | An additional destination uri. | False | string |
destination3 | Destination 3 | An additional destination uri. | False | string |
destination4 | Destination 4 | An additional destination uri. | False | string |
destination5 | Destination 5 | An additional destination uri. | False | string |
attachment | Attachments | Attachments to include with the notification. | False | array |
attachment[0].name | Attachment Name | The name of the attachment file, including the extension. Not used for url type. | True | string |
attachment[0].datatype | Attachment Data Type | The type of the attachment data: base64, string, or url. Default is base64. | False | string |
attachment[0].data | Attachment Data | The attachment file data, either plain text or base64-encoded as indicated by Attachment Data Type. | True | string |
Response Properties
Name | Description | Type |
status | true is the exit code was zero; otherwise, false. | string |
exitCode | The exit code - zero if successful. | string |
Release History
Version | Type | Description | Tracking # | Date |
2.0.1 | Initial | First release in the Adapter Type store. | NAP-25404 | 2023-09-19 |
2.0.2 | Maintenance | Updated third-party components and improved maintainability. | NAP-27635 | 2024-07-31 |
2.0.3 | Maintenance | Updated third-party components and improved maintainability. | NAP-27635 | 2024-12-18 |