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Adapter - DSX-CRT LAN-Wiegand Adapter

This page describes version 2.0.4 of the adapter.


The DSX-CRT LAN-Wiegand adapter is an interface for sending secure data packets over a customers network to a DSX-CRT device where it is translated to a Wiegand card reader format. The CRT device is a gateway for other systems such as Visitor Management, Facial Recognition, Temperature and Mask Verification, Parking, or other applications to send a Card Read or Access request or even an alarm to a DSX system.

DSX-CRT LAN-Wiegand Device Web Configuration

The DSX-CRT device is configured via web interface. Please, refer to the DSX Access Systems, Inc. DSX-CRT2/4 Card Read Translator manual for detailed information.

The DSX-CRT device must be configured to use the following settings:

  1. Port Addressing: Message Content Based
  2. Network Settings: TCP or UDP Input Transport (UDP Recommended)
  3. Encryption: Recommended


The shared key used for encryption is installed using a special serial cable and firmware application provided by DSX Access Systems, Inc.  Please, refer to the DSX-CRT2/4 Card Read Translator manual for detailed information

Adapter Configuration


Name Display Is Required Comments Type Default Value Maximum Value Minimum Value Maximum Length Minimum Length
deviceAddress DSX-CRT Device Address True The host name or IP Address of the DSX-CRT device. string 1024 1
transportType DSX-CRT Input Transport Type False The input transport type (TCP or UDP) to use to communicate with the DSX-CRT device. string TCP 3 1
readerMessageIPPort Reader Message IP Port True The port to use for sending card reader data to the DSX-CRT device. integer 4000 65535 1
outputMessageIPPort Output Message IP Port True The port to use for controlling the open collector outputs on the DSX-CRT device. integer 4001 65535 1
sharedKey Shared Key False The 32 character shared key used to encrypt messages sent to the DSX-CRT device. password 32 32
terminator Termination Character True The character that is used to terminate or end each message. The character must match what is configured in the DSX-CRT device. (Default: ';') string ; 1 1
delimiter Field Delimiter Character True The character that is used to separate the Facility Code and the Card Number values. The character must match what is configured in the DSX-CRT device. (Default: '~') string ~ 1 1
pin1Command Open Collector Output 1 Control Command True The user defined string or command sent to the CRT device to control the open collector output of pin-1. (Default: 1-1) string 1-1 25 1
pin2Command Open Collector Output 2 Control Command True The user defined string or command sent to the DSX-CRT device to control the open collector output of pin-2. (Default: 2-2) string 2-2 25 1


Send Card Data (sendCardData)

Sends security card data to the DSX-CRT card reader input port. The DSX-CRT device converts the data to Wiegand format.

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
readerPort Reader Port The reader port name on the DSX-CRT device that card data will be sent for conversion. (A, B, C, or D) True string
facilityCode Facility Code The optional facility code value. False string
cardCode Card Code The card identification (ID) value. True string

Send Output Pulse (sendOutputPulse)

Sends a command to the DSX-CRT device to pulse one of the open collector output pins for a reader port.

Request Properties

Name Display Description Is Required Type
readerPort Reader Port The target reader port on the DSX-CRT device to control. (A, B, C, or D) True string
pin Output Pin Number The reader port's open collector output pin to control. (1,2) True string

Release History

Version Type Description Tracking # Date
2.0.1 Initial First release in the Adapter Type store. NAP-19459
2.0.2 Bug fix & Maintenance Adapter did not load and trust UIP Trusted CA certificates.
Updated third-party components and improved maintainability.
2.0.3 Maintenance Updated third-party components and improved maintainability. NAP-27635 2024-07-31
2.0.4 Maintenance Updated third-party components and improved maintainability. NAP-27635 2024-12-18
