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Import and Export Configuration

Export Configuration

The Export Configuration page is used for the exporting of the Integration Platform workflow configuration.

The user can choose to export the whole configuration at the same time by selecting Adapters, Adapter Types, Triggers and Workflows from the list, or can choose to export individual configurations for each of the workflow objects.

The configuration will be exported in a .json file that will be downloaded in the browser's default download location.

Import Configuration

The Import Configuration page is used for importing configuration files for Integration Platform.

By using the Import button, the user can select a .json configuration file to upload to Integration Platform. Before importing, the user has to select from the list the workflow objects included in the configuration file to be imported.

If unsure of the exact version of the system the import file was made with, do choose not to import Adapter Types. Importing the wrong version can cause the system to function incorrectly.

Adapters can be imported without having the corresponding adapter type on the system. In that case, information about the adapter status and instructions to add the corresponding adapter type can be found on the Adapters page.

After import is done, an Import Summary is displayed with the Status per Workflow object. Clicking one of the workflow object types reveals details on the import result.

The import status can be Success, Failed or Duplicate. For status Failed, the Reason column is filled in as well.

The successfully imported workflows are available for use in the platform.