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Workflow Engine

Using the below concepts, complex business logic can be implemented that will allow separate systems to be connected for a business purpose.

For example, by using Workflow Engine, NEC biometric system can be connected to a 3rd party notification system.

Basic concepts of the workflow system include:

Adapters - Software that is installed on the platform that defines and interfaces to other systems. An Adapter defines incoming events and outgoing commands.

  • Adapters contain logic and functionality that are useful to the workflow system.
  • Several useful adapter types are centralized in an external Adapter Type Store.
  • The system supports both importing an adapter type from the Adapter Type Store and adding other custom adapters by using an SDK.
  • Adapters can receive events from the other system into the engine that are mapped to triggers.
  • Adapters can send commands to the other system and each command can be used within a workflow to invoke the command.
  • A specific type of adapter, called an http request adapter, can be used to send generic web service requests to other systems without the need for a specific adapter.

Triggers - A trigger is a defined event that begins the execution of a workflow. There are 2 types of triggers:

  • Webhooks - Generic HTTP requests from other systems that can be mapped to a trigger and used to start a workflow.
  • Events - An adapter defines incoming events to the engine and these events can be mapped to a trigger to start a workflow.

Workflows - Dynamic logic, custom built by users, which connects multiple systems together through the usage of commands in adapters.

  • Workflows can be started by triggers or by other workflows.
  • Workflows can send commands to adapters and receive results, start other workflows, manipulate data, check command results and act accordingly.
  • Workflows are typically created using the graphical interface but can also be imported from other systems.