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Backup and Restore

Note: This page is only available with elevated account permissions. Please contact your Account Manager or Administrator to use Backup and Restore functionality.

The Administration > Backup and Restore page allows you to backup essential application data and restore it if an accidental data loss occurs. Each backup operation generates a file containing data for the following resources:

Backups can be created on demand at any time. By default, a backup file will be created automatically every day at 01:00 UTC time. The automatic backup can be disabled or adjusted to occur at a different time of day as needed.

30 backup files will be retained by default. Once the specified limit has been reached each new backup operation will trigger the oldest file to be permanently deleted.

Backup files should periodically be copied to a secure archive so they can be retrieved and utilized in the event of a hardware failure. Files can be downloaded individually from the Backup and Restore page, or copied in bulk from the following folder of the host machine.


During a restore, the process will replace data from the previously listed sources with the data contained within the backup file. Adapters can be restored without having the corresponding adapter type on the system. In that case, information about the adapter status and instructions to add the corresponding adapter type can be found on the Adapters page.


Backup and Restore procedures are not possible while a software update is in progress, and vice versa.