View Log Events
The Administration > Logging Events page displays detailed log data from all of the system's services. The most recent 500MB of log data is available to view. Older log events are automatically purged from the system.
Log entries are displayed in chronological order with the newest events at the top and can be filtered based on their source.
Events are displayed in real-time by default. If you want to search for events that occurred during a specific time period you can do so by disabling the Get Latest Logs setting and choosing an appropriate value for the Date Time Filter.
To display only the log messages for a specific severity, you can select from the level dropdown the desired option. The options are listed in order of decreasing severity and the selected level of severity will also include the ones above it. (E.g. Debug returns all levels and Fatal is limited to itself)
To search for specific messages, enter a Search term (minimum of 3 characters) and events are additionally filtered by your entry. The text search is case insensitive and will return all log entries that contain your text, with matches highlighted on the screen.
While Get Latest Logs is enabled, the Clear View button can clear the events shown from the page, so only new logs are shown as soon as they are generated.
Use the Include Audit Logs option to show or hide audit logging events for when certain types of UIP resources are modified, such as workflows, triggers, adapters, and more. If you wish to only view audit events, select the None option in the Level filter.
Package Log Data
The Administration > Logging Packages page can be used to create a package of log data which can be downloaded and sent to technical support specialists for further analysis.
The Time Created displayed on the page is represented using the time zone configured on system's host machine.
Each package contains a backup of all log data that was in the system's log database at the time it was created. In addition, the installation troubleshooting logs are also included in each package.
Log package files are not included in the 500MB storage limit for log data.